Welcome to the Mason Family Blog. Our story, our family, our happiness and our sorrows. Our journey through earthly life with all the joy and all the pain and all the faith and love needed until we return to Heavenly Father's loving arms....
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Faith, Forgiveness and Family
Sometimes we just have to have faith.
Definition of FAITH
a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
: something that is believed especially with strong conviction
Faith is intrinsic. Faith belongs to the essential nature or constitution of our soul. It is wholly within our own power to have and hold within our hearts and mind. No one can take it away from us, except we ourselves.
I have Faith. Sometimes it shows itself in the loyalty and fidelity of my relationships with family and friends. Other times, it shows in my belief in Jesus Christ and my adherence to the commandments of God. Most of the time it is just something that is part of my soul, all-encompassing, deeply rooted and always comforting.
Part of having faith is believing in the principle of forgiveness. If you have intrinsic faith in a person it becomes easier to forgive them their trespasses. So we find it easier to forgive those we love and interact with on a daily basis, our family, our friends, and our church family. Right? Wouldn't that make sense?
Not necessarily! I think we sometimes find those people harder to forgive, because we expect so much from them! As spouses, as mother's, as father's we expect those we love to NEVER hurt us or let us down. But you know, that isn't really fair to them. They are only human, as are we. I am certainly not perfect - I have a LONG way to go before I can ever classify myself in the same realm as the Mother Teresa's of the world!
But I can personally work on forgiveness in my own little corner of the world. I can let God guide me to peace and calm, so I do not worry and fret over the small stuff going on around me. And thank goodness, sometimes the people you love come to you first and make it easier to forgive them. They love you and tell you they are sorry, either by word or by action. Actions really do speak louder than words anyway.
Family is forever. It is also intrinsic in it's nature. A certain, steady beacon of hope in a sometimes dreary, unforgiving existence. I love my family so much. And I have forgiveness in my heart for them, and I have a tremendous FAITH in them!!
Faith, Forgiveness, and Family go hand in hand. I love you Kevin, for working to support us, for being open to my crazy love of children and adoption, for caring for me just way I am - personality warts and all!! I don't tell you that often enough. But it is true. And my children! What can I say?! I love them - personality warts and all!! I love that the teenagers can hate me one day and love me more the next, even if they do show it by action because they just can't manage to put it into words! I love that when they get past the hormone, emotionally charged phase of life, that they become pretty cool people! People I can be proud to call my friends! I love my little ones, with their purity of heart and simplicity of spirit. Good is good, and bad is bad, and there is no in-between,no gray with them. They have a pure faith. Pure faith in God, in Mom and Dad, in Life, even in Santa Claus! They are a wonder to behold. They remind me why I am here, why I still want to be here, and that I have a greater purpose in my life. My life that is not done yet.
I have Faith. Faith that I will see my darling Emily again, in the not so distant future. I have forgiveness. Forgiveness for myself and my husband that we were not able to protect Emily every second of every minute of that dreadful morning she was called home to God. I think I can even find forgiveness (in time) for the next door neighbors whose negligence took my daughter's life. Not yet, but in time....
And I have FAMILY. I thank God for my family!
Faith - Forgiveness - Family
It's all we really need.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gone Astray...
I sit here and ponder this Christmas season the scriptures God has given us regarding our children. We do all we can do as parents to raise them right, teach them morals, and in the end we can only pray that they learned something all those years we took them to Church, had Family Home Evening, and prayed with them.
What of a child, so headstrong, so stubborn, so intelligent, but so rebellious that a parent cannot reach through the shell of adolescent rage? What of a child hellbent on staying on a destructive path and not capable of seeing the wisdom of age in her parents?
I find myself in this situation. A situation I never wanted or asked for and do not understand. A child whom I love more than life itself has wandered away. Wandered away from our love. Wandered away from her Heavenly Father's love. Wandered away from all who love her.
She has gravitated instead to people who do not give a care in the world for her or what happens to her. It is heartbreaking. I have friends who tell me to let her go. They tell me to let her fall and fail on her own. That this will bring her back in the end to her family and her faith.
It is tempting, especially when she says hurtful things and insists she cannot WAIT to get out of our home.....but then I recall this scriptural reference:
"What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray? And if he finds it, truly, I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish." - Matthew 18: 12-14
Therein lies my dilemma. The dilemma of every mother who has faced a rebellious teenager. A prodigal son or daughter. You love them. You don't want to lose them. You MUST search for them, and you can only rejoice when they return to the fold.
" The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness." ~Honoré de Balzac
Until such time that they do return to the fold, and are enfolded in your arms, there is only stress, anxiety and heartache. No rest for the weary. No peace for the home. In the words of Toni Morrison (Beloved, 1987), " Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean? In my heart it don't mean a thing."
So I pray. I cry. I worry. I cry some more. I rant. I rave. I pray some more. And most of all, I love her. I ALWAYS love her. I will always love her, no matter what happens or what she says, or where she goes in this life. I will always love her.
A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart. ~Author Unknown
Thursday, November 25, 2010
A New Tradition
It is a beautiful poem and seemed to fit our hearts today.... so for you, sweet Emily Hope....
When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see;
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
All filled with tears for me;
I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.
I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
And each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too;
But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
And said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly love.
But as I turned to walk away,
A tear fell from my eye, for all my life,
I'd always thought, I didn't want to die.
I had so much to live for,
So much yet to do,
It seemed almost impossible,
That I was leaving you.
I thought of all the yesterdays,
The good ones and the bad,
I thought of all the love we shared,
And all the fun we had.
If I could relive yesterday,
Just even for awhile,
I'd say good-bye and kiss you
And maybe see you smile.
But then I fully realized,
That this could never be,
For emptiness and memories,
Would take the place of me.
And when I thought of worldly things,
I might miss come tomorrow,
I thought of you, and when i did,
My heart was filled with sorrow.
But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home.
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne,
He said "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you."
Today for life on earth is past,
But here it starts anew.
I promise no tomorrow,
But today will always last,
And since each day's the same way
There's no longing for the past.
But you have been so faithful,
So trusting and so true.
Though there were times you did some things,
You knew you shouldn't do.
But you have been forgiven
And now at last you're free. So won't you take my hand
And share my life with me?
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.
Author Unknown
And in other Thanksgiving news, Andrew called from Fort Rucker today. He is doing well in W.O.C. basic and is sounding happier and more confident than he has in a while. I was glad to hear his voice. My daughter-in-law, Dana, will be here in Houston in a couple of weeks with their poochies, Sam and Koda, the Chow Chows! She and I (and Katie) will be driving with the dogs to Alabama, and I get the privilege of helping Andrew and Dana find a house to call their home for the next two and one half years, while Andrew is in Flight School. It should be a fun but hectic trip.
Then I will return home and get our whole family ready to make the same trip again on December 23rd, so we can spend Christmas in Alabama with Andrew and Dana, and then we are ALL going to Florida on December 26th to spend some quality family time together through New Year's. January 3, 2011 will be the first Angelversary for Emily and we so need to be all together to get through Christmas and the New Year without her....
So thankful today for my husband, and all my lovely children! Thankful I was able to spend some time at the cemetery today with my brother and Katie and Bailey, even though it was just a short time because it started raining! It was long enough to tell my baby I love her and miss her, then I was able to come back home and tell Katie, Chrissy and Stephen how much I love and appreciate them. And then to talk to Andrew to tell him how proud I am of him. I just need to call Dana now to make the day complete, so everyone around me knows of my love and how thankful I am to have them in my life!
I am thankful to my dear friends as well, both close to me and far away on the internet. I am thankful for the Hydran Support Group and all the wonderful ladies (and a few gentlemen) whom I have gotten to know and love from across the miles and continents!
Life is a roller coaster of emotions for me right now, but knowing I have so much to be thankful for slows the car of life down just a little and smooths out a few of the bumps! God Bless Everyone and have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Be Of Good Cheer....
Thomas S. Monson–Be of Good Cheer
At the most recent General Conference, Thomas S. Monson, the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, spoke of being of good cheer. Speaking to Mormons and non-Mormons alike, he said:
"Since last we met together in a general conference six months ago, there have been continuing signs that circumstances in the world aren’t necessarily as we would wish. The global economy, which six months ago appeared to be sagging, seems to have taken a nosedive, and for many weeks now the financial outlook has been somewhat grim. In addition, the moral footings of society continue to slip, while those who attempt to safeguard those footings are often ridiculed and, at times, picketed and persecuted. Wars, natural disasters, and personal misfortunes continue to occur.
It would be easy to become discouraged and cynical about the future-or even fearful of what might come-if we allowed ourselves to dwell only on that which is wrong in the world and in our lives. Today, however, I’d like us to turn our thoughts and our attitudes away from the troubles around us and to focus instead on our blessings as members of the Church. The Apostle Paul declared, “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
As is his style, President Monson illustrated how it is possible to be of good cheer even in the harshest of times. One story that particularly touched the hearts of listeners was that of a German LDS (Mormon) woman who lived in East Prussia at the start of World War II. Her husband was killed during the war and she and her four children found themselves living in territory now occupied by others. The occupying force ordered all Germans to leave. Having no form of transportation, she began a 1000 mile journey on foot. She was permitted to take only a small hand-pulled cart and whatever would fit into it.
It was late summer when the trip began. They had no money, so they were forced to gather food from the fields as they traveled. Winter came and they had only rags wrapped around their feet, because the shoes had fallen apart. The young mother carried her baby and the oldest, only seven years old, pulled the cart. They dodged troops and other refugees who might prove dangerous.
And then her children began to die. She buried each of the three oldest, one by one, digging their graves with a teaspoon because it was all she had with which to dig. Imagine digging an entire grave with only a teaspoon and a broken heart. Last of all, shortly before journey’s end, the baby died and this time, no spoon remaining, she dug the grave with her fingers over the course of several heart-breaking hours, kneeling on the frozen ice and snow. At that moment, she felt she had lost everything-her entire family, her home, even her country. She found herself contemplating suicide.
As she thought about ending her life, the Holy Ghost prompted her to kneel and pray. She tried to ignore it, but finally obeyed. This was her prayer:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I do not know how I can go on. I have nothing left-except my faith in Thee. I feel, Father, amidst the desolation of my soul, an overwhelming gratitude for the atoning sacrifice of Thy Son, Jesus Christ. I cannot express adequately my love for Him. I know that because He suffered and died, I shall live again with my family; that because He broke the chains of death, I shall see my children again and will have the joy of raising them. Though I do not at this moment wish to live, I will do so, that we may be reunited as a family and return-together-to Thee.”
As she prayed, she was reminded that no matter how painful this life on earth could be, there was a great promise for her if she held on and kept up her spirits. Mormon beliefs include the knowledge that God is our loving Father in Heaven and that Jesus Christ died for us so we could live again. Mormons also teach that families can be together forever. God loves us too much to take our families from us if we love them enough to do what it takes to keep them forever. It was the knowledge of these three things that gave her the courage to get back on her feet and finish her journey through life.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not a gospel of fear. The scriptures are filled with admonitions to be cheerful and not afraid. This can prove challenging when it seems the world is falling apart and the media is determined to keep you in a state of fear to sell newspapers or increase ratings. However, if we do all we can do to prepare for hard times, we can then choose to trust God, or choose to be afraid. You can’t always control what happens, but you can choose your attitude.
“From the holy scriptures we read, “Behold, the righteous, the saints of the Holy One of Israel, they who have believed in [Him], they who have endured the crosses of the world, . . . they shall inherit the kingdom of God, . . . and their joy shall be full forever.”
I testify to you that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us.
My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.
I declare that God lives and that He hears and answers our prayers. His Son, Jesus Christ, is our Savior and our Redeemer. Heaven’s blessings await us. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.”
Thanksgiving and Blessings
I have much to be grateful for in my life. My husband, my marriage, my home, my children, my health, Chrissy's nurses, our personal care attendant, my friends, to name just a few.....
Gratitude is easy when you look at all the things you daily take for granted. I have shared an article referencing a talk by Thomas S. Monson about Being of Good Cheer. It inspired me, caused me to shed not a few tears, and reminded me once again that God loves me, is aware of me, and will always be there to comfort me.
Read it if you get the chance. Imagine yourself if the shoes of the pioneer woman in Germany....how would it be to lose not one, but all of your children.....to bury them by hand using nothing but a teaspoon and your fingers, in the cold hard earth, and then still have the gratitude of heart to thank our Heavenly Father for the gift of Jesus Christ, the gift of eternal life, and the ability to carry on in this earthly life. I don't know that I could do it. My heart is broken, my spirit crushed, my stamina drained and my ability to move forward is slowed to a crawl by the loss of one child.....I cannot conceive how a human being, a mother, could survive the loss of more than one.....but I know there are those wonderful mothers out there who have done just this. And have done it with a sweetness of spirit and a thankful heart and a knowledge of Jesus Christ's love for them. My prayers go out to them.....in particular I am thinking today of my dear friend Sandy, a wonderful foster mother, who has lost four children in the past few years, and another friend I just met through facebook who lost two beautiful girls this year in a tragic accident similar to Emily's.....they are wonderful women, wonderful mothers, and I am positive their place in Heaven is made secure!! God bless you ladies and all the other angel mothers out there that I know and those that I have yet to meet. Stay strong and stay true and know you will see your darling babies again one day!!
For me, personally, this Thanksgiving is about my gratitude for having my Emily in my life for four precious years. I would not have traded one second of time with her even if I had known from the beginning that she would be taken home so soon to her Heavenly Father. She was one of the greatest blessings in my life. Thank you Heavenly Father for the gift of Emily Hope!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Beginning of a family...
But what of our motivation? Our drive to adopt? Our eternal perspective? Those are things I am not always so good at sharing. My heart has always wanted to shout from the rooftops the wondrous desire I have inside me to be a good wife, a good mother, a good Christian. But outwardly, I often feel intimidated by the misunderstanding and judgments of the world around me. I know I shouldn't! But there you have it....
Since I do find it easier to write about my emotions and easier to share them with writing and poetry I am going to try and make our family blog more personal. Not just about daily happenings, but how we feel about those happenings, and how we feel about our beautiful little family. Perhaps in doing so, I can leave a legacy, a journal, for my precious children and the rest of our family in generations to come.
With that in mind, shall I start at the beginning? The real beginning?
That would be with my precious, loving mother, Evelyn Lee Duff, who gave birth to me at the age of 19. She was married to my father, Larry Duff, who was serving our country in the Air Force at the time. She was young and beautiful, and I was little and skinny! LOL Here is a picture to prove it!
I love this picture. It shows a young mother, tired but with a contentment that speaks of her love for her little baby. That is what I see when I look at it. I won't bore you with my entire childhood, I promise! But suffice it to say that I was loved and I knew I was loved. My mother dedicated her life to her children. She loved us unconditionally and with a great heart. She was my hero and my example to follow. It is because of her that I have such a desire to be a good mother and to raise my children well. If I can only be half as good a mom as she was, then my life will be full and blessed. Sadly, I lost my mother when she was only 57 years old, and it was the first GREAT loss in my life. I miss her every day... mom!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Open the floodgates, or seal the dam....
Life is not ever going to be perfect again, but I do realize that it can be good for our family. We still love each other. We support one another. We have our faith in the Lord to keep us strong.
I will turn their mourning into gladness. I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow. Jeremiah 31:13
I don't feel like my mourning will turn into gladness any time in the near future. But I do feel, sometimes, the glimmer of the promise of comfort and joy. Just a faint glimmer that I may smile with a true happiness once again, not the false smile I currently have in place to make people think I am okay.
Yesterday some one I do not know, do not even call an acquaintance, but someone who reads my words to those I love on my facebook support group (Hydran Families), commented on "prolonging" our children's lives to the point of making them "suffer in misery". My heart constricted in my chest and such a feeling of true wrath enveloped me, that I was hardly able to respond. Such cruel words from one who himself has a daughter, just recently born, with severe disabilities, was beyond my comprehension. It occurs to me today, however, that such harsh and spiteful words most often can come from someone who themselves is in pain. I acknowledge that. But still....why in this world today, are people so ready to rush to judgment of others? I have to respond to those words with truth and honesty. Diplomacy does not help someone who NEEDS to hear honesty.
So, what is honesty in my world? What is the honest truth about my daughter, Christina, who lives each day with severe disabilities, without the benefit of walking and talking, or even the benefit of a cerebral cortex? Does she have a "quality of life"? Am I "prolonging" her life and making her "suffer"?
I honestly can answer those questions with a resounding NO! I watch her wake in the morning with a beautific smile, genuine joy in her eyes to be here in her earthly body for another day. She loves us dearly as we also love her. She "waits" for our spoken words of love and greeting and is so excited to see everyone she adores around her. She has such unconditional love, a spirit that is strong and pure, a determination to live that astounds me! She is brave, strong, and courageous. She is happy! She is loved! She has a wonderful life! She has no worries, she trusts in her family and caregivers completely, and she is comfortable in her own body. She knows not that she is "different" or that she is "disabled", she only knows she is LOVED. She basks in that LOVE. She returns that LOVE. She wants to be here. I know this without a doubt. She does not suffer, quite the contrary, she has every possible thing at her immediate disposal to keep her healthy and comfortable and well. Every person in her life is dedicated to her every need and every desire. She is so sweet and special that people flock to her aid and cannot help but give her love and encouragement. Most importantly, Heavenly Father loves her and knows her needs and her heart's desires -he gives us, as her family, the insight to know exactly what to do for her every minute of every day. He has never abandoned or forsaken her.
Thinking about all this today, I realized that if Heavenly Father is so in tune to Chrissy, and is always there for her to comfort her, to take care of her, to guide us in caring for her, and to give her peace each day, then He must be doing the same for me.
I must learn to accept His comfort, accept His will, and accept the peace He offers me. Until I can do that, I will continue to grieve, to sorrow, to suffer myself over the loss of our dear Emily. So yet again, it is Christina who teaches me a lesson in life. It is Christina who will help me to open those floodgates of emotion I hold so tightly shut.
Today I cried. I cried for Emily. I cried for Christina. I cried for my nephew Trevor. And I cried for myself. For the first time since we lost our precious baby, I cried for MYSELF. And that is okay. I don't have to keep the dam sealed. I can grieve openly. But I can also heal myself by accepting the love Heavenly Father offers me, the cloak of comfort He provides. All I have to do is pull it around me and feel of its warmth. Just like my Chrissy does. She keeps her cloak pulled close and enjoys the sweetness of comfort Heavenly Father gives her. And she LOVES.
I hope I can LOVE like she does. I hope I can FEEL like she does. I hope I can be as good a mother to her as she is a daughter to me. She is a daughter of God and is perfect. I pray God will help me to be a good daughter of God as well, so one day soon Chrissy, I, Emily and our whole family can be together forever. How blessed I am to have TWO perfect daughters, and three other children who strive to be the best they can be each and every day. Thank you Heavenly Father for my life as a wife, sister, aunt, daughter.....and most of all, MOTHER - the Highest honor I could have been given in this sphere of time and the one calling that will be with me for Eternity!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Our story? Who is interested??
I thought that since there seems to be some interest in our little story that I might begin sharing some snippets of our journey....maybe I will write a book someday!
What do you think????
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tonight I am so worried for my brother and his little boy! Trevor is four years old. He and Emily were good buddies! Trevor is sweet, adorable, and a little doll! He likes Spiderman, Batman, and Transformers. He is a typical four year old boy - very active and all smiles!
Today he was admitted to Texas Children's ER. He was having trouble moving his right leg and arm. Several hours and CT Scan and MRI later, it appears that Trevor has had a stroke, possibly several. He may have what is called Moyamoya Syndrome. It is a problem with blood flow to the brain from the arteries in the neck. It may require him to have surgery and he will definitely be in ICU for a few days.
Please keep our family, and especially little Trevor in your prayers! ^Emily^, keep watch over your cousin please!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Normal is having tears waiting behind every smile when you realize someone important is missing from all the important events in your family's life.
Today is October 10, 2010. It is ^Emily's^ 5th birthday. Her first birthday in Heaven.
We all miss her so much. I miss her soft touch, her sweet smile, her loving personality. I know her daddy misses her giggle and her grabbing his hand to lead him to play with her. Stephen misses her "jumping on my back", which was a game they played every day. Katie misses taking her for car rides and giving her lollipops to eat. Chrissy misses listening to Emily's little squeals of delight near her ear.....A million little things we can never reclaim, never hear or see again in this earthly life.
The realization that this is real...permanent....a shattering loss....pain that will never ever go away...Emily we love you baby! We miss you! We want you back, but know it cannot happen....
We can only pray that we can be worthy to join this precious angel in Heaven some day. Pray that she is with us in spirit, pray that we can daily feel her love, and pray that she will watch over us here on earth till it is time for our family to be together forever once again.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Trying for "normal".....
Happy thoughts are hard for me these days. Though I have lots of wonderful memories that make me smile and daily happenings with my family that do make me happy, somehow the writing always shows the grief still in my life. But I am trying, and I am getting better day by day.
The picture above is of Stephen and Katie at Stephen's Spina Bifida camp in July. I am so happy that Katie was able to volunteer at the camp this year and spend a week bonding with her little brother. They really have been closer since this experience!
I am so grateful to the Lord for my sweet Chrissy, who spiritually is probably the strongest in the home! I hold her in my arms and feel of her strength, her testimony that Heavenly Father loves us, and the peace she has in her soul. She is always willing to share that peace and her unconditional love to all who cross her path!
This has been a tough year. The summer hasn't been all fun and games. Katie relapsed in her drug recovery after Emily passed away. The depression of losing her little sister was hard on her. She has been in a great adolescent inpatient program for the last month and just got out this past week. She has re-committed herself to her recovery and has made good on her promise to start anew (including new friends from her alternative peer group PDAP). She is 33 days sober and counting.....I am so proud of her. She will be starting college on August 30th, because somehow, despite the craziness of our lives and hers, she has still managed to graduate high school an entire year early! It just shows me how much Heavenly Father loves her and wants her to succeed! And no doubt, her precious angel sister, Emily, is watching over her and keeping her safe!
Of Course the highlight of the summer was Stephen's Baptism!! August 7, 2010
Kevin did get a new job in May. He was out of work for just over a year. He is working for a good company with good insurance benefits and hours that are manageable for our family. The important thing about that is that we are together in one city as a family!! And it helps that he happens to LIKE the job too!
We really are trying hard to move forward, not be consumed by the devastation our family has endured, and to give our remaining children all the love, support, and happiness they deserve. Though it is hard to put aside grief some days, I work hard at doing that for Andrew, Katie, Chrissy and Stephen!
For me, part of moving forward, is to resume somewhat "normal" activities. I am trying to eat healthier, exercise more often, and of course read my scriptures and pray daily. Prayers are an important part of my day. These things are starting to pay off in the growing peace in our home. Emily would be happy about that!
Love to all who continue to pray for us and care about our loss. Thank you to those who understand that healing will be a long, arduous journey for our family. And know we love you all, as we also love our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and look forward with patience to the day our family will be reunited with Emily through His atoning sacrifice!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Stephen is getting a Service Dog
Our family continues to grieve the loss of Emily, and we struggle day to day to understand her loss, but are trying hard to have faith in God and His Eternal Plan for us. I can't help but think about how much Emily would have loved having a new puppy, but I am sure she will be watching over Stephen and helping him along with his special new friend...
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Life Continues...
Emily wouldn't want our family blog to be all gloomy either, so I am making an effort to write about other things and happenings in our lives. And I am so proud of my kids! They are making such an effort to be supportive, to be loving, and to be active and brave in the face of their loss.
Andrew had lasik surgery in January. He was recommended for a spot in flight school by his commanding officer if he had lasik and could pass the Pilot Aptitude Test. The surgery went well and I am proud to announce that he passed his Pilot Aptitude Test! So if things go as planned, he will be in line for going to rotary wing flight school in June 2011. That means he and Dana will be moving to Alabama for the two years he will be in school. That is closer than Alaska, so I am happy they will be near enough to visit more often!! The downside is that since the Alaska Guard unit is sending him to flight school, he will have to commit to 5 years service in Alaska as a pilot when he graduates. But then he is free to transfer where ever he wants or to leave the military when his commitment is up. Whichever he chooses, I am sure he will be a fine Pilot and will have a wonderful future of opportunities ahead of him!
My daughter-in-law, Dana, is also a proud member of the Alaska Army National Guard and she has just completed the very grueling Basic Training and Advanced Training in Missouri. She got through it like a trooper and is now back at home with Andrew in Anchorage. She will be working and going to college and serving her once a month weekend as an MP in the Guard.
I so appreciated Dana and Andrew dropping everything and coming to Houston when they got the news about Emily. They loved her so much and it was so hard for them. But they were here for her services and here for the family and I hope they know how much I love them both!!
My Katie has been continuing with her competition season in competitive cheer. She had such a commitment to her team and did not want to let them down, so despite her loss and pain,she has been at every practice and has not missed a single competition this season. I am very proud of her dedication and her perseverance. Her team won 2nd place at NCA Nationals in Dallas two weekends ago. They missed first place by .5 points. Though the team was disappointed that they didn't get first, their coach told them they did great and did their best! She has one more competition this weekend in San Antonio and I so hope they can end their season with a win! I know it would mean a lot to Katie. She is such a sweetheart and worries about me and tries her best to take care of mom! I love her so much too!
Chrissy had her swallow study at Texas Children's today and passed with flying colors! This means she can have little tastes of pureed food and things like pudding and ice cream now. She LOVES yogurt and now we can feed it to her safely knowing she won't aspirate. Chrissy has been my rock and my salvation these last few weeks. I can hold her and look into those big brown eyes and just tell that she is letting me know things are okay and that Emily is safe in the arms of Jesus. Chrissy misses her little sister too, but seems to have a greater understanding of Heavenly Father's plan. My friend told me the other day that it is because kids like Chrissy have one foot here on earth and the other foot in heaven - and I think that is true! I love my little earthly angel girl, and I sure hope she communicates with my little heavenly angel girl how much mom misses her and can't wait to see her again one day!
And Stephen, my Stephen - what would I do without my Stephen? He is such a sweet little man and so happy and talkative all the time. He keeps me busy and my mind busy just keeping up with him and his inquisitive nature! He started his new school Monday and already the teachers are telling me what a special little guy he is and how all the kids just swarm around him and want to talk to him. He is so outgoing! Only Stephen could be happy and content two days after starting a new school! What a joy he is and how much I love him! I just signed him up for Challenger baseball and we are looking forward to taking him to his baseball games this spring! He will just love it!
I will close this loooooong post with a little story my sister-in-law sent to me about my nephew, Trevor! Trevor is Emily's age (just about 6 months younger) and he has been very concerned about Emily and what happened to her. He has asked a lot of questions which his mom has tried to answer. So last night she told me he said the following:
He was talking about Emily and says "Maaahhhm...I want to get a space costume and take a space ship...and go up and get Emily...and bring her back to her Mom...so her Mom won't be sad...'cause that's what Super Heroes do....is that okay, Maaahhhm?"
I thought that was just the sweetest thing I have heard from anyone since Emily's passing! What a thoughtful, caring young man he is! He is definitely a super hero in my book!! Love you too, Trevor!!
Take care all and please, please continue to remember us in prayers!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Katie cries and goes to the cemetery several times a week. I cry and can't bring myself to even do the most mundane tasks, like grocery shopping. Stephen is still trying to understand. Kevin is burying himself in work, but cries at night...Even Chrissy seems to be "looking" for her little sister. Every time she hears a little child's laugh or squeal she searches for Emily with her eyes and gets so excited for a minute. Then looks so disappointed when Emily doesn't come to her....it breaks my heart....
This is the hardest thing I have ever gone through in my life. I am so devastated. Our family is devastated. Our family will never, ever be the same...
Even my oldest son and his wife, in Alaska, are having a difficult time. Andrew calls me often. He wishes they had been closer this last year, so that they could have spent more time with her.
Parents, appreciate every second you have with your children....for I can now tell you that your life will be but a shell if they are taken from you....the hole in your heart will be vast....the emptiness complete....nothing will ever fill that void....
Friday, January 8, 2010
You Tube Link for Storybook of Emily's Life
In Loving Memory of our darling Emily Hope, go to the above Youtube link.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Our Angel Emily
Emily was our little sunshine. She was my light and my comfort through any hard times we faced. She was truly the most miraculous little girl and the happiest child I have ever known. I feel so blessed to have had her in my life and heart for the short four years God granted me with her.
I don't understand why she had to go home to Heavenly Father and I am trying hard to cope with my loss, but I do know somewhere deep in my faith that there is a reason and a plan. I know God loves us and I know He loves Emily. I know she is safe in His arms.
Please, please keep us in prayers....