Sometimes we just have to have faith.
Definition of FAITH
a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions
a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust
: something that is believed especially with strong conviction
Faith is intrinsic. Faith belongs to the essential nature or constitution of our soul. It is wholly within our own power to have and hold within our hearts and mind. No one can take it away from us, except we ourselves.
I have Faith. Sometimes it shows itself in the loyalty and fidelity of my relationships with family and friends. Other times, it shows in my belief in Jesus Christ and my adherence to the commandments of God. Most of the time it is just something that is part of my soul, all-encompassing, deeply rooted and always comforting.
Part of having faith is believing in the principle of forgiveness. If you have intrinsic faith in a person it becomes easier to forgive them their trespasses. So we find it easier to forgive those we love and interact with on a daily basis, our family, our friends, and our church family. Right? Wouldn't that make sense?
Not necessarily! I think we sometimes find those people harder to forgive, because we expect so much from them! As spouses, as mother's, as father's we expect those we love to NEVER hurt us or let us down. But you know, that isn't really fair to them. They are only human, as are we. I am certainly not perfect - I have a LONG way to go before I can ever classify myself in the same realm as the Mother Teresa's of the world!
But I can personally work on forgiveness in my own little corner of the world. I can let God guide me to peace and calm, so I do not worry and fret over the small stuff going on around me. And thank goodness, sometimes the people you love come to you first and make it easier to forgive them. They love you and tell you they are sorry, either by word or by action. Actions really do speak louder than words anyway.
Family is forever. It is also intrinsic in it's nature. A certain, steady beacon of hope in a sometimes dreary, unforgiving existence. I love my family so much. And I have forgiveness in my heart for them, and I have a tremendous FAITH in them!!
Faith, Forgiveness, and Family go hand in hand. I love you Kevin, for working to support us, for being open to my crazy love of children and adoption, for caring for me just way I am - personality warts and all!! I don't tell you that often enough. But it is true. And my children! What can I say?! I love them - personality warts and all!! I love that the teenagers can hate me one day and love me more the next, even if they do show it by action because they just can't manage to put it into words! I love that when they get past the hormone, emotionally charged phase of life, that they become pretty cool people! People I can be proud to call my friends! I love my little ones, with their purity of heart and simplicity of spirit. Good is good, and bad is bad, and there is no in-between,no gray with them. They have a pure faith. Pure faith in God, in Mom and Dad, in Life, even in Santa Claus! They are a wonder to behold. They remind me why I am here, why I still want to be here, and that I have a greater purpose in my life. My life that is not done yet.
I have Faith. Faith that I will see my darling Emily again, in the not so distant future. I have forgiveness. Forgiveness for myself and my husband that we were not able to protect Emily every second of every minute of that dreadful morning she was called home to God. I think I can even find forgiveness (in time) for the next door neighbors whose negligence took my daughter's life. Not yet, but in time....
And I have FAMILY. I thank God for my family!
Faith - Forgiveness - Family
It's all we really need.
very good post my friend. My heart and prayers are with you.