I have much to be grateful for in my life. My husband, my marriage, my home, my children, my health, Chrissy's nurses, our personal care attendant, my friends, to name just a few.....
Gratitude is easy when you look at all the things you daily take for granted. I have shared an article referencing a talk by Thomas S. Monson about Being of Good Cheer. It inspired me, caused me to shed not a few tears, and reminded me once again that God loves me, is aware of me, and will always be there to comfort me.
Read it if you get the chance. Imagine yourself if the shoes of the pioneer woman in Germany....how would it be to lose not one, but all of your children.....to bury them by hand using nothing but a teaspoon and your fingers, in the cold hard earth, and then still have the gratitude of heart to thank our Heavenly Father for the gift of Jesus Christ, the gift of eternal life, and the ability to carry on in this earthly life. I don't know that I could do it. My heart is broken, my spirit crushed, my stamina drained and my ability to move forward is slowed to a crawl by the loss of one child.....I cannot conceive how a human being, a mother, could survive the loss of more than one.....but I know there are those wonderful mothers out there who have done just this. And have done it with a sweetness of spirit and a thankful heart and a knowledge of Jesus Christ's love for them. My prayers go out to them.....in particular I am thinking today of my dear friend Sandy, a wonderful foster mother, who has lost four children in the past few years, and another friend I just met through facebook who lost two beautiful girls this year in a tragic accident similar to Emily's.....they are wonderful women, wonderful mothers, and I am positive their place in Heaven is made secure!! God bless you ladies and all the other angel mothers out there that I know and those that I have yet to meet. Stay strong and stay true and know you will see your darling babies again one day!!
For me, personally, this Thanksgiving is about my gratitude for having my Emily in my life for four precious years. I would not have traded one second of time with her even if I had known from the beginning that she would be taken home so soon to her Heavenly Father. She was one of the greatest blessings in my life. Thank you Heavenly Father for the gift of Emily Hope!!

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