Normal is having tears waiting behind every smile when you realize someone important is missing from all the important events in your family's life.
Today is October 10, 2010. It is ^Emily's^ 5th birthday. Her first birthday in Heaven.
We all miss her so much. I miss her soft touch, her sweet smile, her loving personality. I know her daddy misses her giggle and her grabbing his hand to lead him to play with her. Stephen misses her "jumping on my back", which was a game they played every day. Katie misses taking her for car rides and giving her lollipops to eat. Chrissy misses listening to Emily's little squeals of delight near her ear.....A million little things we can never reclaim, never hear or see again in this earthly life.
The realization that this is real...permanent....a shattering loss....pain that will never ever go away...Emily we love you baby! We miss you! We want you back, but know it cannot happen....
We can only pray that we can be worthy to join this precious angel in Heaven some day. Pray that she is with us in spirit, pray that we can daily feel her love, and pray that she will watch over us here on earth till it is time for our family to be together forever once again.
My heart breaks for you Angela. I know she is having the best birthday ever right now, but it doesn't make you miss her any less. Hugs and prayers for all of you.