...the world go around
...the world go around.
Money makes the world go around
Of that we both are sure...
*rasberry sound* on being poor!
Money money money money
Money money money money
Money money money... (Liza Minnelli Lyrics)
It is so true, isn't it? Kind of a cynical way to view the world, I suppose...but still a pretty accurate assessment of life in the present time!
Had to say no to a beautiful little newborn boy this weekend, who had Schizencephaly (similar to Chrissy's diagnosis), because it was a private adoption agency and they had to have over $10,000.00 in fees to complete the placement! It sucks to be middle income, not a lot of ready cash available at the drop of a hat! Of course there were other families with money in hand, and the birth mom and agency picked one of them to place the baby with. Even though our family may have been the perfect one to handle a child with those particular special needs, the money won out!
I feel like the same thing happened last week, when we lost the opportunity to have a little boy and girl placed with us from Florida. The agency decided to place them with a local Florida family. Well, of course, that was cheaper for the state of Florida!!
All of this reminds me of when we were trying to adopt our first child (22 years ago) and we got a call from another private agency, who actually said to me "Well, if you had $8,000.00 RIGHT NOW, we could place twin girls with you this week." So not fair to do to a young couple who long for a child and have been unable to either have a child or adopt a child! I remember just crying and crying that night. It was another long, long year before we were finally placed with our oldest son.
But, this is all part of the adoption process. There are many, many ups and downs. You just have to take it on the chin, and keep plugging away!
On other fronts, we are now in the process of planning a wedding!! Katie and her boyfriend, Stephen, are now engaged!
This picture was taken at her graduation from Basic Combat Training with the Army! She is looking so good and so healthy and we are so proud of her and the huge improvements she has made to her life! I am one proud momma lately! Look at these lovely children and it is easy to see why!!
We are blessed as parents! Now, all we need is another little one (and maybe some grand-babies!) and we will be a very blessed family indeed! I am sure Miss Emily is looking down from Heaven with a smile on her face, proud too of her big brother and sister!!
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