"When words cannot provide the solace we need or express the joy we feel, when it is simply futile to attempt to explain that which is unexplainable, when logic and reason cannot yield adequate understanding about the injustices and inequalities of life, when mortal experience and evaluation are insufficient to produce a desired outcome, and when it seems we are so totally alone, truly we are blessed by the tender mercies of the Lord and made mighty even unto the power of deliverance." -Elder David A. Bedmar

Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm So Excited!

Try as I might, I can't help getting excited at the prospect of a possible placement! I tell myself to remain optimistic, hopeful and happy, but refrain from jumping the gun. It is never a done deal til the paperwork is signed, but it is looking VERY hopeful that we will receive an adoptive placement this week. A precious, precious child that I am so very excited about! I can't say more until it's for sure, but please keep our family in prayers today and through the weekend, that if Heavenly Father wants this child to come home to us, it will happen without a hitch! 

Very prayerful today and mindful of a birth mother's sacrifice. Such bravery these birth mother's show in trying to do the very best for their children. I love all our birth mom's so much! If it were not for their sacrifice my family would not be complete.

I hope I am doing a good job of taking care of all these precious spirits, making the sacrifice worthwhile. I hope they each know that we are doing our very best, every second of every day, to make these children's lives full, happy, and healthy! That we love them each with a perfect, unconditional love. And we are so PROUD to be "mom" and "dad".

Okay, off my mushy soapbox now! LOL  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Philosophy of a Mother

Another contemplative day....

The thing about family disasters is that you never have to wait long before the next one puts the previous one into perspective.  ~Robert Brault

Yesterday Dana, my lovely daughter (in-law) called to report to her new National Guard unit. The next thing I know I hear this tiny little quaver in her voice, saying "No....I didn't know that...." 
She found out that her new unit is deploying in January!! To AFRICA! Possibly for a year!

She will find out this coming weekend if she is added to the roster and has to go. I am praying she won't! She is not sure how she feels.. And Andrew, my son, is jealous and wished he could go!! Typical response from him! However, as he thinks about his wife leaving for several months, I am certain he will come to realize how blessed he has been to have her with him for the past three years of their marriage and how he will miss her love and support on a daily basis!  I suppose this is the down side of having Army children. As their mother, my heart aches at the thought of any one of them (Andrew, Dana, or Katie) having to deploy and go to another country and possibly be in harm's way!  I am so proud of them, that they are defenders of our country and the American way of life. But I am forever scared for their safety. I will pray daily for each of them, and try to squash the anxiety inside my soul...

So, our family goes from one "experience" to the next! Who knew life could be so exciting once the majority of my children were grown??? I always had in the back of my mind that when the kids were grown, we would have a too quiet, too sedentary, and too boring life! Never have I wished for an "empty nest". I LOVE having my kids around me and with me and watching them grow and progress in so many ways!

But, here we are with one married, and one engaged, and only two little ones at home. And our lives are richer, busier, and fuller than ever! I guess I never realized that once the kids were grown, their problems and activities, and situations are different but not gone from mom's heart. I still worry as much about the older ones as I do about the little ones! And they still come to mother with questions, problems and decisions, just as they come with news of happiness and joy! It is a beautiful thing to be a Mother!  I wouldn't trade it for the world!!

And thank you for a house full of people I love.  Amen.  ~Terri Guillemets

Monday, August 22, 2011

Money, Money, Money

Money makes the world go around
...the world go around
...the world go around.
Money makes the world go around
Of that we both are sure...
*rasberry sound* on being poor!

Money money money money
Money money money money
Money money money... (Liza Minnelli Lyrics)

It is so true, isn't it?  Kind of a cynical way to view the world, I suppose...but still a pretty accurate assessment of life in the present time!

Had to say no to a beautiful little newborn boy this weekend, who had Schizencephaly (similar to Chrissy's diagnosis), because it was a private adoption agency and they had to have over $10,000.00 in fees to complete the placement! It sucks to be middle income, not a lot of ready cash available at the drop of a hat! Of course there were other families with money in hand, and the birth mom and agency picked one of them to place the baby with. Even though our family may have been the perfect one to handle a child with those particular special needs, the money won out! 

I feel like the same thing happened last week, when we lost the opportunity to have a little boy and girl placed with us from Florida. The agency decided to place them with a local Florida family. Well, of course, that was cheaper for the state of Florida!!

All of this reminds me of when we were trying to adopt our first child (22 years ago) and we got a call from another private agency, who actually said to me "Well, if you had $8,000.00 RIGHT NOW, we could place twin girls with you this week."  So not fair to do to a young couple who long for a child and have been unable to either have a child or adopt a child! I remember just crying and crying that night. It was another long, long year before we were finally placed with our oldest son.

But, this is all part of the adoption process. There are many, many ups and downs. You just have to take it on the chin, and keep plugging away! 

On other fronts, we are now in the process of planning a wedding!!  Katie and her boyfriend, Stephen, are now engaged!
This picture was taken at her graduation from Basic Combat Training with the Army! She is looking so good and so healthy and we are so proud of her and the huge improvements she has made to her life!  I am one proud momma lately!  Look at these lovely children and it is easy to see why!!

We are blessed as parents! Now, all we need is another little one (and maybe some grand-babies!) and we will be a very blessed family indeed! I am sure Miss Emily is looking down from Heaven with a smile on her face, proud too of her big brother and sister!!