Tomorrow is Mother's Day 2012. I have seven reasons to be a happy woman tomorrow!! I love being a mother, and love love love my sweet children! Andrew, Katie, Chrissy, Stephen, ^Emily^, Joshua and Sophia - you are the lights of my life and joy of my soul! I treasure every memory and every second of my life as your mother.
Some of those memories.....
Andrew, at age 2, on a family vacation to Ruidoso, New Mexico: Me: Andrew we are going horseback riding tomorrow.... and about an hour later Andrew: Daddy, we are going BACKHORSE riding! ... and never forgetting that spaghetti was "pasketti", and a refrigerator was a "fiderfator" or that his first word was "flower"! That he wanted to name his new little sister "Juice" before we got her, and then after she came home and had colic for a few days, he wanted to "take her back" and after he found out she was ours forever, he thought very seriously for a minute and then said "well.....can we just put her in the garbage then?"
Katie, at age 3, jumping up and down and up and down along with her big brother Andrew, singing the oompa loompa song in front of my video camera (still have that tape in case I need to blackmail the two of you) and somehow the song coming out as an endless repeat of oompa,oompa,oompa! ....and never forgetting my sweet little three year old standing up in church at the children's primary meeting and singing "Jesus Loves Me" with her friend brave in front of the whole congregation! Also remembering all the days and nights of having the privilege of watching her do gymnastics, tumbling, diving and cheerleading competitions - her athleticism is AMAZING! She makes me so proud!
Christina, at age 5 months, giving me her first beautiful laughter on Mother's Day 2001. The most precious gift ever! .....and never forgetting the sound of her sweet laughter, her sweet voice, and the most beautiful smile in the whole world meant just for me! She is still smiling that smile today, every day!!
Stephen, at age 18 months, pointing his finger at our nurse when she called his name and saying with great clarity "I BUSY!", like he couldn't be bothered with us! Such a little man he was, and still is.....never forgetting the time he overheard me talking on the phone about a blown transformer in the neighborhood, and he got really really quiet for about 20 minutes. Finally, I asked him what was wrong, and he whispered "Did you say there was a TRANSFORMER out there??" ROFLOL, he thought it was a real transformer like from the movies! And boy, he was really worried!!
Emily, dear precious, angel many memories of you, that both fill my soul with gladness and crush my heart at the same time that you are no longer with me on this earth....never, ever forgetting combing your beautiful hair smelling of strawberries...your precious eating chocolate until you fell asleep with it all over your face and riding on the back of Stephen's wheelchair while he hollered "get her off, get her off", even though he loved you being there.....and riding Space Mountain roller coaster with you giggling and giggling the whole many memories, yet never enough of them!! Four years as your mother was not nearly long enough for me and I long every day to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet cheeks!
Sophia, my baby girl....seeing her for the first time in the hospital!What an angel she was and is! .....never forgetting how we almost lost you to that shunt infection, and never more grateful in my life that Heavenly Father allowed you to stay! Waiting for my first genuine smile.....hoping you will follow in your big sister's footsteps and grace me with a smile and some laughter tomorrow on Mother's Day!! If not, I will just enjoy your cuddles!!
Just a smattering of things that come to mind when I think of my life with my children. Memories more precious than gold, brighter than any diamonds, and more valuable than a whole room full of jewels!
I love you, my children. I am thankful to be a mother. I wouldn't trade it for any other occupation in the universe!!